To Create the Life You Want, Go Within

Cory Halaby is a Master Certified Life Coach and E-RYT 200 Yoga Instructor who specializes in mindfulness practices, meditation and stress reduction. Her Within Life Coaching Wolf Pack supports women who seek to enrich their lives and change the world through heart-centered leadership. Cory offers classes, workshops, retreats, group and individual coaching, as well as mindfulness consulting for schools and businesses. She would like nothing better than to help you tap into your own deep wisdom and fall in love with what you do all day. She believes in super-powers. Especially yours.
More about Cory…
More about Cory…
Wolf Pack
A select coaching group for change makers
Relax, renew, inspire…
yoga book club
An in-person series for wise, joyful living
(Via Zoom for Spring 2020)
Personal Compass for Purposeful Work seminars and workshops
Teaching schedule
Speaking events
Speaking engagements – events and topics
Learn to Meditate
Instruction and support for your practice
Synergy Wellesley
Individual and small group support for yoga & meditation.
Individual coaching
Less stress and more joy…
let’s talk