Within Life Coaching Wolf Pack
A year of tools, fuel and support for change makers
Welcome to the Wolf Pack! In a world full of problems, your soul knows you are meant to be part of the solution. Step into your full power. We’ve got your back.
TOOLS – Learn techniques to boost clarity and dissolve obstacles, so you can affect change where it matters most.
FUEL – Stoke those flames of passion and purpose and stay engaged with valuable weekly content and monthly coaching.
SUPPORT – The women in this group are wise, real and encouraging. We see and appreciate each other, and we lift each other up. Everbody needs a wolf pack!
“Joining the Wolf Pack was a game-changing experience. With Cory’s expert guidance, compassionate wisdom, and warm humor, I learned a lot about myself—and now have the tools to cultivate grace and equanimity for a lifetime. Wolf Pack also attracts a wonderful community of women who want to love big and change the world. I’m so grateful to have been a part of it!” — Aileen Boyle, South Orange, NJ
The Wolf Pack is a select coaching group for women who want to enrich their lives and change the world through heart-centered leadership.
What’s heart-centered leadership?
Heart-centered leadership is a way of recognizing and using one’s power to act in accordance with the values of love, compassion, courage and kindness. It’s being the change you want to see in the world.
What’s a change maker?
For Wolf Pack purposes, a change maker is someone who reimagines what’s possible and takes steps to make her vision for a better world real, so that she and everyone else can thrive.
The Wolf Pack is all about thriving.
“I made steady progress this year towards many of my goals—meditation, art outreach and growth, getting stronger in my body and mind… and flexing those courage muscles. The Wolf Pack program has pushed all of that forward by helping me stay focused, aware and on track. And adding tools that I would not have thought of.” — Laurel Landers, Wellesley, MA
Individual coaching, pack progress:
The Wolf Pack moves through a monthly curriculum of heart-centered leadership skill-building tools. We communicate through a private Facebook group, monthly live calls, regular newsletters and videos, and spotlight interviews. There are (optional) assignments, and opportunities to meet an in-person (we hope!) retreat.
In addition, Wolf Pack members get one or two personal coaching calls per month. Coaching helps you define your most soul-satisfying, joyful life, and then clear away any internal or external obstacles that keep you from living it. Consistent one-on-one coaching over the course of a year is a rare and transformative thing. You will see both subtle and profound positive change.
My kind of coaching is designed to connect you to the wisest, most peaceful part of yourself. We use truth and kindness as our core superpowers. Then we add your specific skills, strengths, and interests so that you can do your best work, the way only you can.
The Wolf Pack offers just the right amount of structure and flexibility to suit the complicated schedules of change makers.
We accomplish serious goals in the most relaxed, joyful way possible, with plenty of rest and fun.
Why Now?
This is quite a moment in history, isn’t it? The call for heart-centered leadership just gets louder and louder. As we emerge from this current global melt-down, our new systems and structures must reflect the compassion and wisdom of our best selves to be sustainable. Each step of the way requires our courage and vision.
Why us?
Things have been out of balance for a long time and the consequences of a culture built on unevenly held power are becomng dire. This is the time for all women to stare down and shake off the stale, stubborn remnants of patriarchy, and recover their wholeness, so that everyone can thrive.
Take a deep breath and tune in. Check for the calm, resonant voice in the still depths of your being.
Is it saying, “Yes.”?
Is it saying, “Now.”?
Well then, let’s do this.
Wolf Pack, baby.
“One aspect of the Wolf Pack that I enjoyed was the curriculum. I loved how the months each had a theme and they built on each other… My favorite part of the Wolf Pack (by far) were the twice a month calls, the video meditations and Kripalu (ie my new happy place). I loved that the Wolf Pack gave me accountability but it was never stressful or something I had to do… it was A WANT TO for sure.” — Torry Stamm, Needham, MA
Here’s what comes with the Within Life Coaching Wolf Pack package:
- Monthly coaching content (outlined below). Strategically designed to build heart-centered leadership skills, content will be delivered via private Facebook group and weekly short videos and newsletters.
- 10, 6 or 2 individual 45 minute coaching calls. This is the heart of the program and the reason it will be impactful. Calls will integrate course content into the specifics of your life and support you throughout the year.
- Meditation homework. I can’t overstate the transformative power of mindfulness and meditation. And yet, I know it can be difficult to learn them and practice regularly. I’ll offer assignments that give you the most return on your investment of time and attention. Being part of a wolf pack will help you prioritize the practice.
- Monthly group calls. We will gather via Zoom to introduce the theme of the month, discuss challenges, and connect with each other. I’ll also host regular “study halls” so you can put Wolf Pack homework on your calendar, if you like.
- In-person retreats! We have a retreat tentatively scheduled in January at Kripalu in Lenox, MA, . Travel and retreat costs are not included in the Wolf Pack package, but the chance to hang out together at a world renown center for wellness and learning, while diving into our deepest and most powerful tools, shouldn’t be missed! We may have an additional retreat opportunities in late April at Good Commons in Plymouth, VT, and September in Martha’s Vineyard.
- Each other. The Wolf Pack is made up of remarkable women. It’s full of smart, funny, real, supportive, interesting people like you. A sense of belonging among awesome ladies is hard to beat.

Anyone who heard “wolf pack,” and thought, “I’m in.”
Artists, entrepreneurs, care-givers, professionals, volunteers, and all who could use extra support and inspiration.
Women who crave community with less small talk, and more true connection and purpose.
Those who are restless in their current roles and feeling a call to step up to their real work, even if they don’t know what it is yet.
People who are willing to incorporate meditation into their lives.
Women whose vision for the world is collaborative, inclusive, compassionate and kind.
Not required:
An impressive list of achievements, perfectionism, huge ambition, or a world-changing plan.
Any particular age. A range of life stages can only add to pack perspective.
Anything beyond being yourself.
Wolf Pack heart-centered leadership skills curriculum:

We start where we are:
Meet your packmates!
Inspired self-assessments (no judgement).
Powerful presence for change makers – mindfulness tools for clarity, acceptance and agency.
Begin daily meditation practice. Simple instructions. 5 minutes. Non-negotiable.

Compass building:
What matters? Delve into purpose, meaning, and values on your own terms.
Create a personal alignment cheat sheet.
Tune into your body’s wisdom to help navigate choices.
Deepen your meditation practice for fresh insights.

Free your mind!
“Can’t” and “have to” are prisons and lies (most of the time). Use the “language of choice” to free your creative problem solving skills.
Drain dead weight from your to-do list and laser focus on your real work.
Kundalini meditation practice to clear brain clutter and drop self-defeating habits.

A mighty kindness…
Sweetheart! Now is when we flood our interior worlds with kindness. This is big.
Focus on compassion—tools and practices.
Holiday Bonus Wolf Pack Big Magic Grand Vision guided meditation.

Hit the new year running. Play, rest, play, rest, repeat…
- Do your thing with courage and gusto.
- Map practical plans, prototypes and baby steps.
- Frame it as a game. Practice resilience, have fun.
- Energy boosting meditation.

Such passion!
Let your love flow. What do you adore? Art, books, your people, your pets? What type of beauty calls to you?
Do the decadent, joyful, delicious things. Let them feed your soul and your work.
Goddess meditation.

Pain alchemy.
Mine heartbreak and struggle for new strength and tenderness.
Tell a new story.
Craft your core message
Insight meditation for working with strong emotions.

Challenging teachers !*&@#
Soul skills for dealing with difficult people.
The most powerful transformation tool in the coaching arsenal: “Is it true?” (Learn to practice The Work of Byron Katie.)
Let aggravation be your guide back to love. First aid for heart-centered leaders and change makers.
“Tonglen” meditation.

Identify the best next version of yourself.
Set up support for the person you are becoming.
Use your meditation super powers on the fly. (Stealthy heart-centered leadership.)
Notice how people respond to love in action.

Ask for help.
Reach out to mentors, heroes and helpers of all sorts.
Tune into guidance (navigation tools for secret mystics).
Explore radical collaboration for durable change.
Gratitude immersion.

Take stock.
30 for 30 meditation practice challenge.
Keep going.

Wolf Pack vacation.
Catch up on coaching calls.
Spotlight on packmate guest leaders – share your expertise.
Breathing lessons.
- Big Wolf – $1,600 for a fully supported Wolf Pack year with 10 individual coaching calls. You can schedule calls on my calendar at your convenience. Includes private FB group, curriculum info via videos and weekly newsletters, optional assignments, monthly group calls, virtual workshops, and opportunities for in-person retreats.
- Packmate Package – $1,270 for 6 individual coaching calls scheduled throughout the year. Includes private FB group, curriculum info via videos and weekly newsletters, optional assignments, monthly group calls, virtual workshops and opportunities for in-person retreats (retreat costs not included).
- Pack Member – $700 for 2 individual coaching calls to use personally, or to give to a friend (I know some people want to be in the pack, but aren’t interested in one-on-one coaching). Includes private FB group, Wolf Pack Heart-Centered Leadership Curriculum via videos and weekly newsletters, optional assignments, and monthly group calls. Virtual workshops, and in-person retreats can be added à la carte. (Pack Member rate is $540 for returning Wolf Pack members)
NOTE: Travel and fees for in-person retreats at Kripalu (tentatively scheduled for mid January), and possibly Good Commons in VT in June are not covered in Wolf Pack packages.
Coaching is not the same as, nor is it a substitute for, therapy or medical attention.
Program begins September 18th, 2024! First live call will be October 7 at 8pm Eastern.